Author: Jodie Moseley

HR Services

My employee just went AWOL

A business owner I met recently relayed an experience he had with an employee that left work one day and didn’t come back.  Without a word to anyone. After several days without contact from the employee, the Managing Director assumed the employee had resigned and processed the person’s termination pay.  It was decided to redistribute the…
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July 3, 2018 0

Can you make staff take annual leave at Christmas?

The National Employment Standards (NES)* permit an employer to direct an employee to take paid annual leave if the requirement is reasonable. Requiring staff to use some of their accrued annual leave for a shutdown between Christmas and New Year would be considered reasonable in most cases. But like everything, there are always exceptions. And…
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October 23, 2015 0

Allocating Annual Leave Fairly at Christmas

Can you believe it is only 10 weeks to Christmas. If they haven’t already, employees will soon be asking for time off over the Christmas/New Year period. If it is ‘business as usual’ at your workplace over the holiday season, you will appreciate how much of a headache approving leave at Christmas can be, and…
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October 23, 2015 0